Yup… I’m a “BAD, MEAN MOM!”

Published January 8, 2015 by niteingale

I truly believe that some children have to learn by example. Learn by touch. Learn by feel. Princess P is one of them. As a result of this method of learning, I had to employ some “harsh” measures on Sunday. The Foreman has taken quite the liking to drawing and coloring (like most children that are 4-5) but she REALLY loves it! She stays in the lines, covers all the white area, uses bright colors that match and is actually not too bad at drawing for her age. (well, i think so anyway). Princess is the child that goes out of the lines, essentially scribbles everywhere, doesn’t really care and doesn’t complete pictures. I compliment them both differently on what they do. If I can identify shapes that Princess P has made I will compliment her on that or the use of colors. Anyway, Princess P has this horrid habit of scribbling all over her sister’s pictures. Of course after spending almost an hour making the drawing “Perfect” the Foreman is quite upset by it all. We have warned Princess P NUMEROUS times NOT to do that, but she still continues doing it.

I saw her do this to the Foreman on Sunday and I had finally had enough. After watching scribble a huge line down the middle of the Foreman’s drawing, I took a crayon, held it in my hand like a 2 year old and scribbled ALL OVER Princess P’s drawing.

She looked at what i had did. The air stood still. Her eyes completely widened in utter shock and disbelief. Then she started bawling. Like HUGE bawling and crying and yelling and screaming about how I ruined her drawing and I’m not her mom anymore and I’m not nice. I looked her dead in the eyes and said “It doesn’t feel very nice does it?  Maybe you shouldn’t do that do your sister any more because we’ve already asked you multiple times not to do it and you still continue to do it!” She gave me the death stare and started the hyperventilating type of crying and exclaimed “I’m going to tell daddy on you!”

I actually had to leave the kitchen because I was laughing so hard. I know it sounds mean to do but I truly believe in being realistic and providing safe, realistic life lessons. While i was upstairs, i could hear her telling daddy. It worked out quite nicely because he told her the same thing I did “If you don’t like people doing it to you, then don’t do it to other people”.

Hopefully she has learned…. We’ll see. Bad, mean mommy me.

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